Parents, please take the 5 Essentials Survey to help out Jasper County Schools. More info about the survey Survey
1 day ago, Jasper County Schools
5 Essentials Survey
If you would like more information on the school board vacancy you can go to For the School Board Application you can go to
17 days ago, Jasper County Schools
School Board Vacancy
Here is an updated list of job opportunities at Jasper County Schools. For further information or to apply, visit us at
17 days ago, Jasper County Schools
Come Join Our Team
We have added an opening for a Full Time Substitute Elementary Teacher to our list of job opportunities at Jasper County Schools. For further information or to apply, visit us at
23 days ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring
We have added an opening for a JCJH/NCHS Night Custodian to our list of job opportunities at Jasper County Schools. For further information or to apply, visit us at
about 1 month ago, Jasper County Schools
Come Join Our Team
Come join us at Jasper County Schools! We have several opening available for you to join our team. For further information or to apply, visit us at
about 1 month ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring
Have a Merry Christmas!
3 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Merry Christmas
We have two positions open for a Special Education Teacher at Newton Elementary School. Come join our team! To apply, visit us at
3 months ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring
There is a 1 hour early release on Tuesday, November 26th. There is no school on Wednesday, November 27th - Friday, November 29th. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
We are hiring! Visit us at for more information.
4 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Coaching Vacancies
School Board Members Day. Thank you for all you do!
4 months ago, Jasper County Schools
School Board Members Day
No school on Monday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
4 months ago, Jasper County Schools
No School
No school tomorrow November 5 for Election day.
4 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Election Day
Reminder There is no school on Friday, October 18th due to the parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
5 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Reminder! We will have 2 hour early dismissal on Friday, October 4th due to homecoming.
5 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Congratulations to Mrs. Beth Probst on receiving the Illinois Principals Association (IPA) Herman Graves Award for the Wabash Valley Region. Mrs. Probst earned this award for her outstanding service to the IPA. In addition to her service to the IPA, Mrs. Probst dedicates countless hours to the students, staff and community of Jasper County. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the education profession, Mrs. Probst!
6 months ago, Jasper County Schools
Beth Probst
First day of school!
7 months ago, Jasper County Schools
First Day of School
We are hiring!
7 months ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring
Parents - here are the Health Requirements for the 2024-2025 school year:
8 months ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring!
8 months ago, Jasper County Schools
We are hiring